Gülde – Your cold-rolling mill in Kamen
Since 1957
The Gülde GmbH & Co. KG
cold rolling mill
The Gülde GmbH & Co. KG cold rolling mill, an owner-run family business, was founded in 1957 and since then it has continuously developed into an important company in the German and European cold rolling industries.
The company is located at Kamen / Germany and with more than 150 employees we manufacture steel strips, cold drawn steel, flat wire and solid profiles for various branches.
Gülde steel is used for manufacturing of window fittings, automobiles, tools and shopping trolleys, among others, but you will also find material made by Gülde in many other products.
We have achieved this by constant development of the range of material dimensions and steel grades. We have also been supplying corrosion-resistant steels for several years. By going to “our products” you will find an exact idea of our delivery program.